Friday 12 February 2016

Life After Uni

I realised lately that my blog has been abandoned for over 9 months now (poor thing!) and wanted to get back into it. This post will be a little insight into why I haven't posted for some time and my life now I've finished university. It will be jam-packed but this is a little bit about what I've been up to:

Since May, a lot has happened and my life has changed loads - I now feel more like a grown up! To sum my last 9 months up it has been a rollercoaster! In May and June I had a lot of essay deadlines and all the stuff that comes with finishing Uni. July was my busy month EVER - My Hawaiian themed 21st birthday(!!), Graduation, holiday to Turkey and I started my first full time job working in the Advertising department for Newsquest South West, one of the UK's largest regional news publishers.